A new look always feels so good

Have you ever gotten a new haircut or a new shirt, maybe even new underwear, and thought to yourself, I feel like a million bucks right now?  That's how I feel at this moment.  I am so elated to finally roll out my new website after all this talk that I was gonna do it.  Sometimes I feel like I could be the president of procrastiNATION.  *Ahem*.  But right now,  I feel like Wyle E. Coyote after he has FINALLY caught that pesky roadrunner, (episode yet to air).  AND, it's so fresh and clean, I feel like I can live in this webspace!  

Most importantly, no longer will my iPad and iPhone customers be left in the dark for my online content.  The drawbacks of using a flash-based website previous to this - Apple's refusal to support it (flash), on their devices forced my hand at finally getting around to the site renovation I've been wanting to do for so long.  Hey wait!!  This must be what my mom feels like when she renovates her kitchen!  Ya, see now I get it.

Anyhow, I'll keep it short.  Lots to do!  I'll be sure my work is showcased here more often rather than on Facebook.  I like to be able to display my content how I want with no BS from Facebook and their recent destruction of small business fan pages.  Besides, if my fans want to see it - they'll come.  It's worth it ;)

This blog post is meant to be the official launch of the new look (YAY!), although the fanfare I should bring to a new website this daper will be quietly subdued this time.  I still have to go to work tomorrow, and play with my kids!

Stay classy Salmon Arm,
