To the dogs

I recently had the pleasure of connecting with Tom and his little friends once again.  It all started with Tom; he was my first official photo shoot 3 short years ago.  It was in Tom's parents' house that I laid out my dream to him and his family to be a photographer.  I'll never forget that day, it was the best springboard I could ask for.  Tom is good guy and has always provided me with great support as I continue to build my business, up to and including this beautiful spring day.

Tom's family has a thing for dogs. I love it! They love their dogs as they would love their own children.  If you're a dog owner, you know exactly what that feels like for the most part, I'm sure.  Tom's dad's dog, Felix, will only be with us for a few more weeks because sadly, cancer will claim his life soon.  Tom wanted his dad to have these images to remember him by.  As you can see, there are some touching moments that I'm sure he will covet forever along with a few portraits of the rest of those cool characters sure to be around for a while to come.

Thanks again Tom, for the opportunity to be a part of your day. I enjoyed that.  Your furry family, (& the furless ones too), are all pretty cool cats in my book.


To The Dogs Blog Board.jpg