Dawn & Ryan - Married

Holy trouts, she was a hot one that day - a balmy 36 degrees if I remember correctly.  It was a good thing Trout lake was ice cold, it was often the only relief from the mountainous heat wave. (scroll down and see for yourself).  I've never been to a wedding where there is a 2-3 hour period in between the photos and festivities to just cool off and rest. It was very much needed.

Dawn & Ryan's Trout Lake wedding was probably one of the most memorable experiences of my wedding season last year.  Not only were they so easy and relaxed to work with, but there was a very laid back approach to the whole event which made things very comfortable for everyone, especially myself where I knew next to no one there. There is nothing quite like a destination wedding though, especially one out in the middle of nowhere.  There was no cell service for 2 days, I was completely unplugged, (that in itself felt absolutely liberating), I got to camp right on the edge of the lake, I got to be part of the party, and most importantly of all, I got to do what I do best - document it all. 

The question still stands to you Dawn & Ryan - How about an anniversary party on the lake so we can do it all over again this year?
